タイトルは上記にある Benefit For Nippon。
4月3日ロンドンで行われるチャリティコンサート"Japan Disaster Benefit"とも連携しています。

SMASH 日高正博

To begin with, I would like to offer my sincerest prayers to those who have lost their lives to the earthquake and tsunami disaster. To the families of the victims and those affected by this terrible tragedy, I wish for your well-being and the speediest of recoveries. And to those volunteering day and night to assist in the rebuilding and recovery in the affected areas, I express my heartfelt appreciation for your efforts.
This website was created to post messages of encouragement from overseas and domestic artists to the Japanese people and information about ongoing support activities. The title of this website, as written above, is Benefit for Nippon.
This project will be undertaken in conjunction with charity drives, charity concerts and other volunteer activities. It will also be connected with the "Japan Disaster Benefit" charity concert which will be held in London on April 3rd. Information about other activities that will be undertaken in the coming days and weeks will also be announced on this website. We eagerly await your warm words of encouragement.

Masahiro Hidaka, SMASH